Sermons Archives: July 2024

Jesus Said Jump!

Posted on Jul 31, 2024 | Download

This week, Pastor Tony looks at the story of Philip and the Ethiopian and talks about how our full obedience to Jesus without hesitation could ultimately lead someone to salvation.

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More Than A Magi

Posted on Jul 18, 2024 | Download

This week, Pastor Tony looks at the story of Simon The Sorcerer and talks about how Jesus didn't come to perform mesmerizing tricks but to provide miraculous transformation.

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Posted on Jul 9, 2024 | Download

This week, Pastor Tony talks about Stephen, the very first Christian Martyr and how it's easy to stand for Jesus when you know He is standing for you!

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Strength In Numbers

Posted on Jul 4, 2024 | Download

This week, Pastor Joe Matthews talks about how everyone is a leader and the church needs what God put inside of you!

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