Category Archives: Blog

Together for Good

Posted on Mar 4, 2025 | Download

Together for Good! True faith is living with the confidence that God is only ever good! “Together for Good” is the theme for SomaChurch in 2025. Here are a couple of application questions to help you process with the Lord what this word means for you in 2025! The Nature of God's Goodness What does it mean to have confidence that "God is only ever good"? How can this belief impact our daily lives and decision-making processes? Faith and Confidence How can we cultivate a faith that is confident in God's goodness, even when circumstances seem contrary? What are some practical steps we can take to strengthen our trust in God's plan? Purpose and Calling How does understanding our purpose and calling according to God's plan help us navigate life's challenges? What role do spiritual gifts play in discovering and fulfilling our purpose? Suffering and Growth How can suffering lead to spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of God's character? Can you share a personal experience where a difficult situation ultimately led to a positive outcome or growth in your faith? Application of the Sermon What are some specific areas in your life where you need to apply the truth that "all things work together for good" How can you use this sermon as a guide to encourage others struggling with their faith? You can watch the full sermon here.

Confidence in Christ

Posted on Jul 24, 2024 | Download

Do you ever feel like you’re about to fall apart?  Is your confidence in this world, your circumstances, or yourself...Or is your confidence in Christ? What do you do in real times of trouble? How do we live victoriously in this crazy world? Confidence In Christ is required to live victoriously in this crazy culture. “Culture” is another way of saying “the world we live in.” The world we live in offers its definitions of victory and success, and those things that worldly people look to for pleasure & even rescue. These things may work for a while, but when real trouble comes, those pleasures and accomplishments won’t keep a person from falling apart. To live victoriously in this world, first, you have to understand that confidence is not arrogance. Confidence is rooted in humility and self-assurance, and needs no applause.  Arrogance, on the other hand, is rooted in insecurity and self-importance and is fed by praise. This is REALLY important to understand, because there are some people who are arrogant. They do, they work, they strive to be seen. They serve to receive praise. They give to be thanked. They trust in their circumstances and their achievements and they want others to trust in them. They’re trying to make a name for themselves.  Is that you - Is arrogance getting in the way of living victorious through confidence in Christ? Find out 7 crucial things about confidence, and start living victoriously today. CLICK HERE Learn more about Soma Church and check out what we’re teaching. Be sure to ‘subscribe’ to our YouTube Channel to get notified when new teachings are posted. 

Limiting God

Posted on Jun 16, 2022 | Download

And He said to them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.” (Luke 12:15 ) "And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? IF YOU THEN ARE NOT ABLE TO DO THE LEAST, WHY ARE YOU ANXIOUS FOR THE REST? (Luke 12:25-26) Do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, NOR HAVE AN ANXIOUS MIND. For all these things the nations of the world seek after, and your Father knows that you need these things. But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you. Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, A TREASURE IN THE HEAVENS THAT DOES NOT FAIL, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."(Luke 12:29-34)  Covetousness “is an insatiable desire for worldly gain.” Covetousness is an insatiable desire to find fulfillment, meaning and purpose in things, instead of in God. The spirit of covetousness leads to and is the mother of many other sins. [Ex:] Coveting another man's wife leads to adultery (2 Sam. 11:4,5).—James Cagle: The Valdosta Daily Times At the heart of covetousness is idolatry, and at the root of idolatry is unbelief. Unbelief is the basis for all sin-when we choose not to take God at His Word, there is unbelief steeped within our hearts. His Word says that He will provide for our every need if we will seek Him first! That is a promise we can take to the bank. So many times though, we expect all of His promises without fulfilling the conditions, or we just don’t trust that God will hold up His end. The result: anxiety/fear and anger. These emotions are a check engine light for our hearts. My #1 question to myself when I’m feeling anxiety/fear or anger is “Am I abiding in Jesus?” To abide means “1 : to remain stable or fixed in a state. 2 : to continue in a place : will abide in the house of the Lord.” If I’ve been abiding in Jesus, then I’ve remained stable in His Word and in prayer and fixed my eyes on Him (Hebrews 12:2 and Romans 12:1-2). If I’ve been abiding in Jesus, then I’ve continuously, faithfully come into the House of The Lord (Hebrews 10:25) and walked in loving community with His precious Body (because the eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you.” 1 Corinthians 12:21). If we love and want to abide in Jesus, then we cannot neglect fellowship with His Body, the Church! Christ is the Head, yet no one would ever say, “I only need the head and not the body.” How often they provoked Him in the wilderness, And grieved Him in the desert! Yes, again and again they tempted God, AND LIMITED THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL. (Psalm 78:40-41) Psalm 78 recaps much of Israel’s history and all the mighty miracles God worked on their behalf through the Exodus and in the wilderness: He split the Red Sea in two. When they had no water, God made water gush from the rock. When they complained for meat because they had no gratitude for the manna, God provided more meat than they could consume, but because of their covetousness, complaining, and craving, it became sour and a plague broke out. And yet after all these things, the people still tested God with their unbelief. “Would He provide this, and that, and then another thing?” “Wouldn’t it have been better if we’d remained slaves in Egypt?” “There are giants in the Promised Land!” Jesus Himself exhorted us not to worry. Worrying is of course not limited to what we will eat or drink or to what we will wear. We can apply these truths to whatever it is that’s got us worrying. Our children. Our marriages. A diagnosis. The state of our world. Whatever it is, Jesus is instructing us not to have an anxious mind because it limits His power from being displayed in our lives! By our own worry, we effectively reject the mighty Hand of God instead of grabbing hold in faith and watching Him move on our behalf!  There is ONLY one way to combat and crush the anxiety, fear, and anger in our hearts and minds, and that is to ABIDE IN HIM - not just with our mouths but with our whole being-actively, meditating on His Word and allowing Holy Spirit to change us through prayers of thanksgiving and repentance, and faithful fellowship with the body of Christ! We know what we ought to do; we have head knowledge of our Savior and how we’re “supposed” to feel. But abiding is how we make the connection from our heads to our hearts, and it becomes REAL in us! It becomes our authentic core BELIEF! “Abide in Me [Jesus], and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.” John 15:4 Precious Abba, I pray Jesus’ sweet prayer over all who would believe in You: “I do not pray for these alone [His disciples], but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You [abide in one another]; that they also may be one in Us [abide], that the world may believe that You sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.  “Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am [abide], that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world. O righteous Father! The world has not known You, but I have known You; and these have known that You sent Me. And I have declared to them Your name, and will declare it, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them [abide].” John 17:20-26 Amen!!!

Tilling our hearts

Posted on Apr 21, 2022 | Download

The surface of our heart can often be under prepared for the work that God has promised us. Hosea 10:12 tells us to break up the soil, the untilled ground of our heart. It doesn't say that the soil is bad, or that it is without nutrients. It says that the top layer is hard. And for anything good to grow, the top layer must be broken. How does the top layer of soil in our heart get hard? Most hard hearts starts with an emotion that is allowed to be defined by lies instead of God's truth. It would be easy to say that a "situation" caused us to get hard hearted. But is that actually true? Saying a circumstance made our top soil hard declares that we don't have a choice. God gave mankind free will. Blaming a situation would undermine His Word. So, as life happens around us & to us, emotions arise. These emotions can be positive or negative. The positive are gifts from God to be enjoyed & cherished! The negative are natural yet need to be handled in a healthy & Biblical way. This means reminding ourselves that it is easy to let emotions dictate our behavior. It's easy to put our emotions above our will. Allowing emotions to drive behavior is making them an idol & letting them be elevated over God's will for us. God's will for us is to walk in the Holy Spirit & not our flesh. When we walk in His will we see the Holy Spirit fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. If we do not invite God into the negative emotions, they are left open & unhealed. Unhealed emotions can be accessed through thoughts by our enemy. He then reinforces lies via repetitive unchecked thoughts. These emotions & thoughts become graves. A heart unsurrendered to God & undefined by His Word can quickly become a graveyard of negative emotions & lies we live by. A place in our heart where we go to mourn or grieve or protect ourselves but that is hardened by death. In John 10:10 Jesus said, "the thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Jesus has promised life & life to the full! That does not sound like death, pain, or graveyard living. We are going to ask God to identify to us the emotions & thoughts that are keeping our heart a graveyard instead of a garden. Because the enemy does comes to steal, kill, and destroy, we want God to show us what emotions the thief has been trying to bury us under. We are going to do that by holding them up the the Light of God's Word. This is us taking captive our thoughts & at spear-point, make them comply. Like 2 Corinthians 10:5 says "We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture rebellious thoughts & teach them to obey Christ." I have been reminded recently that pride & doubt are two emotions that have kept me digging graves since I was a child. When I feel hurt or fear, I want to be comforted so I run to pride in hopes that it will make me feel vindicated, justified, safe. My flesh wants to protect itself from attack by becoming the judge. Or I run to doubt to escape. If I blame myself for others poor treatment of me...if I agree that I am worthless, or the problem started with me, then I can avoid doing the hardest thing; like holding up a healthy boundary, or confronting behavior that is unholy, or waiting on the Lord to defend me. Absorbing shame or guilt can feel like an easier burden than trusting God is working it all out. Both directions get me back to the graveyard of death & destruction. Both harden my heart to God & those around me. They steal my joy, peace, hope, and courage. But when I identify the emotion is fear, betrayal, hurt, or rejection then I can turn to the Truth that God is the judge, that He is good, that I am His daughter & that He protects me. I can counter each lie that floats into my mind with truth. I keep scripture verses in my pockets for this very purpose. When I feel my thoughts starting to get out of control or pushing a non-Biblical theme I pull one out and read it aloud. With thousands of thoughts a day trying to define our emotions we have to be vigilant. Proactive. And repetitive. When we know the Truth, no thought of "what if" or "you should say this" are going to hold up unless they align with God's Word. The Bible says that "The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to Him and are safe." Proverbs 18:10 We are not designed to be graveyard living. God invites us to engage our negative emotions with Him and turn to Who HE is for protection. It is who God is that frees us. It is who God says we are that helps us glove up & do the dirty work of breaking ground on the hard top soil. He gives us courage to dig up the lies we have been in the graveyard tending, & hold them up to the Light & God's Truth. So what are you feeling? Right now, ask God what emotion you have been allowing to overpower your will? If you cannot identify an emotion, what situation or life circumstance is on our mind. It is time to dig up the lies! Let's get to the root & expose it to Light!  Ask God to show you the thoughts, the lies, and the root emotion. Holy Spirit, You are welcome here. We recognize that You are a helper. That You speak exactly what God says. We also know You are safe. You wait right beside us. You are not frustrated by our fear or trepidation at going back to the graveyard of emotions & lies. Will You help us break up the fallow ground of our hearts & minds? We need help identifying. We need You. We receive You & say thank You in advance for the fresh & new that You are doing in us. We thank you in advance for the resurrection life you have for us. Keep us focused. In Jesus name, amen.

Who is Building?

Posted on Mar 23, 2022 | Download

The enemies of Judah and Benjamin heard that the exiles were rebuilding a Temple to the Lord, the God of Israel. So they approached Zerubbabel and the other leaders and said, “Let us build with you, for we worship your God just as you do. We have sacrificed to him ever since King Esarhaddon of Assyria brought us here.” But Zerubbabel, Jeshua, and the other leaders of Israel replied, “You may have no part in this work. We alone will build the Temple for the Lord, the God of Israel, just as King Cyrus of Persia commanded us. Ezra 4:1-3 NLT Could you imagine the inside sabotage that would occur if the enemy was allowed to join in the Temple build? What about holiness? Could the temple be holy when built with hands that hated, despised, ignored, blasphemed, and opposed God? This is the Temple God would dwell! We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19). And God has commissioned our lives to be built upon Him. He wants to be on the throne of our hearts. All of us for Him (Mark 12:29-30). Can He sit on the throne in our lives if it is made of lies? No! We must fiercely cast out the lies and all things that come against or try to usurp God. Abba God, I do not want the Temple you dwell in, in my heart and mind, to be made up of anything contrary or against You. I don't want Your enemy supplying materials or help to build the foundation or walls. Help me root out the disguised enemy. Help me see the traitor thoughts that threaten the strength of the walls. I want this build to be a place for You to dwell and be holy for You. Will you make it, me holy? Will You set apart, sanctify my life? I submit all lies and thoughts to You. Point out the places that do not meet Your standards and need to be rebuilt for Your namesake.

A Pattern of Transparency

Posted on Mar 2, 2022 | Download

My son walked into my bedroom on the day we had to put our sweet dog, Hazel, down and asked me where she was. She was there when he came home from the hospital all the way until he was 3 years old. He loved her very much. He could tell something wasn’t right because mom and dad were sad and Hazel wasn’t at home. When he asked me where she was, I had several things run through my mind. “Hazel is at your grandma's house, son!”  -- That wasn’t a lie, but also not the whole truth. “She is at a friend's house…resting.” -- That was farther from the truth, but not a total lie. All these things ran through my mind as his sweet, innocent face stared at me waiting for an answer. I ended up telling him, “Hazel is in heaven with God. We won't see her for a while, but one day we will.”  -- He asked me several more questions but in the end he was satisfied. After he walked out of my room, I had the thought, “Why am I trying to skirt around telling the truth?” I realized telling him the truth would make me uncomfortable. It could bring up questions that I may not feel prepared to answer. It would make me face a part of parenting I wasn’t prepared for -  teaching my child about grief and how to deal with it. Basically, I didn’t want to be transparent with him because it would make things difficult on me. This was such a distortion from the enemy and I didn’t even realize it. Over the next several days, as I processed the fact I tried to lie to my son to make myself feel more comfortable, I tried to remember times where I had done that before.  I realized - I have done it with friends, college professors, co-workers, and definitely my parents. When did this lack of transparency start? Answer: When I was a teenager. I wouldn't want to talk about things that forced me to be fully honest, tell my feelings, or that made me feel inadequate or uncomfortable. I believed this distortion from the enemy. This was not a pattern I wanted to impart on my kids and if I desired change - I needed God to change and equip my heart. The bible has a constant theme of transparency all throughout it. The Lord pleads us to transparency starting in Genesis, the very first book of the Bible. Adam and Eve walked in Eden, naked. They were fully exposed with nothing to hide mentally, emotionally, spiritually or physically. They walked in full transparency with the Lord. This is how God intends our relationship with Him to be.  We can share that same transparency with our kids. Do you want to establish a pattern of transparency for your kids? Here are 4 ways we can pursue a pattern of transparency: 1) Don’t shy away from awkward questions. Start when they are young!! My oldest son is four years old now and he has no filters. He feels like he can ask me, and usually anyone else, anything that comes into his creative mind. Cultivate that! Give them age appropriate and honest answers. The road to transparency starts early! 2) Be willing to apologize to your kids. Telling your kids when you do something wrong is a great way to teach your kids how to be transparent. Don’t let the parental hierarchy keep you from being an amazing example of how we are meant to be before the Lord. 3) Be vulnerable. There will be times when your teenage kids want to ask you hard questions. Questions like, "Did you drink before you were 21?" or, "Did you have sex before you were married?" What about, "Have you ever questioned that God was real?" When you don’t want to answer a question because it makes you feel weird, awkward or uncomfortable - answer anyway. Teach them that their questions have a safe space to go and that safe space is with you. If it’s not with you then it will be with someone else. Remember, breaking the pattern is hard. It starts with the weird questions and ends with the hard questions. 4) Always point your kids back to the Lord. When your kids ask you questions that are hard for you to answer - it is the golden opportunity as a parent to point them back to the Lord. Maybe you have to admit that had an addiction -  remind them of how the Lord brought you out of it. What if you have to answer all the questions about sex - tell them of the Lord's design and intention for sex. Or, when you have to walk them through gracefully ending a toxic friendship - remind them of how the Lord prunes the leaves in our lives to bring the healthy fruit. These conversations that are hard for us are ministry opportunities. Always lead them back to the Lord. Before we have to think about questions to ask our kids to get them talking, let's start answering their questions to keep them asking. Create the safe space. Be vulnerable. Be transparent. Be honest and open with your kids when they ask the weird and hard stuff. It is how God intended our relationships to be.

Guess How Much I Love You

Posted on Oct 26, 2021 | Download

Psalm 103:11-13 (NLT) 11 For his unfailing love toward those who fear him     is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. 12  He has removed our sins as far from us     as the east is from the west. 13  The Lord is like a father to his children. When I read this passage of scripture, it stirs my heart as a father. I can’t help it. Describing unfailing love as great as the height of the heavens is a bold and epic picture of love. I think any parent can relate to this – especially fathers. This passage reminds me of one of my favorite children books to read to my son - “Guess How Much I Love You.” We’ve read it countless times. In this short book, father and son trade off phrases of love for one another, each building on the one before. “Guess how much I love you…?” “I love you this much…” “But I love you THIS much…” … “I love you right up to the moon.” “I love you right up to the moon…and back” Each night when I go to tuck my son in to bed and say “goodnight”, I try to get him to look me in the eyes and I tell him – “You’re my son. I am proud of you and I will always love you.” Of course, first I want him to know my love for him, but if I am being honest, I think that deep down maybe I also utter this phrase to fulfill a longing in my heart from when I was growing up. As you might imagine, trying to get a three-year-old to look you in the eyes at bedtime can sometimes be an uphill battle. Sometimes he goofs and squirms and moves his head around in a silly way. When it is late and he is overtired, I am usually trying to match his eyes with mine to get him to know and understand that I see him, I am proud of him and I will always love him. But one night recently, he did something that just hit me like a ton of bricks. He was moving and squirming like normal, and I started to say, “I am proud of you.” He stopped his moving, turned his head to me, looked me square in the eyes, smiled and said, “thank you.” The next day, in my time with the Lord as I was meditating on Psalm 103, He revealed to me as clear as day  that no matter what natural longing in my heart I may be hoping to fulfill or compensate for with my son – the Lord has been right here, the entire time, trying to match His eyes with mine, so that I would stop, know and understand… …Understand that He sees me. …Understand that He is proud of me. …Understand that He will always love me. I may have been seeking for a natural, physical longing to be fulfilled. But my Heavenly Father has been here all along, telling me how proud of me He is, telling me how much he loves me.      

What Motivates You? 

Posted on Jun 11, 2021 | Download

"But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by any human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself. 4 For I am not aware of anything against myself, but I am not thereby acquitted. It is the Lord who judges me. 5 Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then each one will receive his commendation from God. 1 Corinthians 4:3-5 Enduring Word - Commentary  “In fact, I do not even judge myself: Even our estimation of ourself is usually wrong. We are almost always too hard or too easy on ourselves. Paul recognizes this, and so will suspend judgment even upon himself. In the end, he who judges me is the Lord. “ What Motivates you? Is it what others think of you? Are you constantly judging others? Are you constantly judging yourself? You are not the judge, but God is. We should only be seeking His praises and His approval. At the final judgement, it's just going to be me and what I have. I am responsible for my life. I have to be willing to first be obedient to God. What is He saying to me? Am I allowing the truth of His word to come alive in me? Am I willing to stop always asking 'why' and simply obey? Why must I constantly fight these inward battles that have already been won? I've been asking for discernment and wanting to know if I'm really hearing from the Lord, which then starts with practicing obedience in the 'small' things. I'm not going to grow any stronger in my faith, if I'm not willing to use that faith to step in obedience to His leading. It doesn't matter what others around me are doing. God may be dealing with them on something else. Even though we may all be going on the same journey, it doesn't mean that the path is the same or that we're even at the same place. God has designed a custom course for each of us to get through. Don't let how others are traveling on their course make you stuck in yours. God alone is who we must obey and then allow those around us to be an encouragement along the way (and vice versa). Just remember, it's ultimately Gods voice that needs to be louder than any other voice. Can we honestly say His voice is louder than our own thoughts? Is His voice louder than what others think about us? Let us stop judging others, stop judging ourselves and start living an obedient life that pleases the Lord.

True Light

Posted on Apr 15, 2021 | Download

“No one lights a lamp and then hides it or puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where its light can be seen by all who enter the house. Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. But when it is unhealthy, your body is filled with darkness. Make sure that the light you think you have is not actually darkness. If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight were filling you with light. Luke 11:33-36  When one lives in darkness, there are two possible reasons why. There may be no light source, or the darkness may be within – the inability to perceive light. When Jesus warned, take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness, He warned against the darkness within.”—David Guzik If the darkness comes from within a man and prevents him from seeing the light of Jesus, it doesn’t matter how bright and glorious Jesus is – he can’t see it. “A man without an eye might as well be without the sun, so far as light is concerned.” - Charles Spurgeon Jesus here is referring to spiritual eyes, not physical, so it got me thinking, “Why is Jesus comparing one’s eyes to a lamp?” Our eyes are the only window to what’s inside; eyes connect the outside with the inside. I love how Guzik distinguishes between 2 types of people living in darkness: There may be no light source. The darkness may be within. The first group are all those Jesus came for-those who know they are sick and need a doctor (Mark 2:17; Luke 5:31). Many may not have been able to read or have any access to truth; others couldn’t physically get to the synagogue, and some would not have been accepted if they could. But the second group, these are the ones who think they have light, but it is actually darkness. This is a dangerous place to be, and it’s not just the false teachings of the Pharisees-this applies to all teachings contrary to The Word of God, and they are rampant today. These people hold tight to relative “truths” that they believe are absolute. However, their beliefs never seem to require anything of them that they weren’t already willing to give. And if you really look, this darkness that they think is light never changes them for the better and never makes the inside pure. It is good for virtue-signaling and keeping up appearances, but it is an empty faith or no faith at all. Yet the light Jesus gives pierces through to our very joints and marrow (Hebrews 4:12), testing and purifying us as we walk in the light of His truth. He is STILL opening the eyes of the blind! Do we have a heart that is willing to acknowledge our sin and repent? Will we change our mind and believe in The One Absolute Truth, Jesus Christ, The Word of God (John 1:1)? “We must carry out the works of Him who sent Me [Jesus] AS LONG AS IT IS DAY; night is coming, when no one can work.” John 9:4 “For you were once darkness, but now you arelight in the Lord. WALK AS CHILDREN OF LIGHT” Ephesians 5:8 “If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight were filling you with light.” Luke 11:36 Precious Father, thank You for Your Light of Truth! Holy Spirit reveal to us any “dark corners” where we are believing the lies of this world. We want Your floodlight to make our whole lives radiant so all people will see You and believe! Guide us into all truth (John 16:13)! We praise You and glorify Your mighty name!


Posted on Mar 26, 2021 | Download

Luke 1:37 "For the word of God will never fail." Other translations say, "For nothing is impossible with God." "Nothing is impossible. Every chain is breakable. With you, we are Victorious. -More Than Conquerors, Rend Collective. The truth is simple. God is able. He does not fail. He is faithful, slow to anger, rich in mercy. He is love. He is peace. He is just. He is real. His word, Jesus Christ, triumphed over sin and the grave. In so doing, You broke every chain and yoke of slavery of sin from Adam & Eve til forever.  What must we do in light of this?  Respond.  "Mary responded, 'I am the Lord's servant. May everything you have said about me come true.'" Luke 1:38a God, my heart is the same.  Your way, over mine.  Your plan, over mine.  You, over me.  I see the chains You have broken; help me not pick them up and carry them through my life as useless baggage. For I was bound by sin, shame, and wasting away. You offered me love and freedom. I believed. So, I now walk in Light and Hope with purpose and authority in Christ. Nothing is impossible, You do not fail. With You, I am, victorious. In Jesus name I pray, trust, and rest...selah...Amen  

Monthly Sermons Archive