The Biggest Story: Let’s Make A Deal
The Story of Abraham Part 2
Genesis 15; 17
counted it to him as righteousness.
1.What were the amazing promises God made to Abraham (re-
view Genesis 12:1–3, if needed)? How does God respond when Abraham has doubts about these big promises?
Takeaway: God helps Abraham overcome his doubt by reminding him
that he will always keep his amazing promises.
2. With God’s help, what did Abraham believe about God’s promises? How would you describe faith?
Takeaway: Having faith in God means we believe that what he says is true,
even when it is hard to believe.
3. If everyone is sinful, and no one is holy and perfect, how
could you or me be righteous in God’s sight? (If the children need help answering, you could ask, “Why was Abraham considered righteous in God’s sight?”).
Takeaway: Like Abraham, through faith in God (believing what he says is
true), we are given God’s righteousness.
At Soma Church, we desire that every child will grow in their relationship with God, learn to hear His voice, and follow His calling on their lives. It’s a privilege to partner with parents in raising passionate disciples of Jesus.