The Biggest Story: A Very Bad Day
The Story of the Fall
Genesis 3:15
1. After God gave Adam a command not to eat from one special
tree, what did the snake say to Eve to try to get her to disobey God?
Takeaway: Sin is doubting God and choosing to disobey him.
2. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit, who were they choosing to
believe? What happened to them because they listened to the snake? What are some ways choosing to sin has damaged you and your relationship with God?
Takeaway: We all choose to sin for different reasons, but it always damages
us and our relationship with God.
3. What promise did God make to Adam and Eve after they dis-
obeyed? How did God keep it?
Takeaway: Jesus crushed the snake by dying on the cross. God kept his
At Soma Church, we desire that every child will grow in their relationship with God, learn to hear His voice, and follow His calling on their lives. It’s a privilege to partner with parents in raising passionate disciples of Jesus.