The Prodigal Son – 7/31/23

By July 31, 2023 August 2nd, 2023 Kids Corner

Hi friend, welcome to Kids Corner!

Check out what we learned about this week.

Parents, watch this video with your kids and discuss the conversation prompts below.

The Prodigal Son

“So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.” Luke 15: 20

1. When the son was on his way home, what do you think he was feeling?

2. When the father saw his son, how did he respond?

3. Who do the father and son represent in this story?

The Father represents God and the Son represents US!!! When we do something we should not have and we come to God with a repentant heart and a desire to stop sinning, He is SO HAPPY!

Parents– Ask your kids if there is anything they want to ask repentance for! Include yourself in this! Pray together and ask forgiveness from the Lord as a family!

**If confession comes from this time together, remind your kids how happy the Lord is that they decided to bring any sin to light and are willing to turn to God!

At Soma Church, we desire that every child will grow in their relationship with God, learn to hear His voice, and follow His calling on their lives.

It’s a  privilege to partner with parents in raising passionate disciples of Jesus.

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