I’m not a person that likes help. Never have. Not sure why…

If I were to analyze it a little bit further and dig a little deeper, I know I’d be able to spot some of the lies and some of the hurt that might be at play.

We all have baggage, right?!

Either way, it is very hard for me to ask for help.

The reality as a man that I am not enough  is pretty sobering thought when I consider all of the hats that I wear and roles I hold.

Here lies the tension –  because if I am not enough, then that means I have to ask for help. Which we’ve already established – It’s really hard for me to do.

If I don’t like asking for help in the physical – whether it’s help on a house project, in my job or even in my marriage, then that almost certainly means that I don’t like asking for help in the spiritual.

Am I robbing myself of the ministry of the Holy Spirit by walling off and going it on my own? Have I forgotten that the Holy Spirit is literally called the helper!? (John 14:26).

I don’t think my situation is uncommon among men. Whether it’s from a point of pride, a point of insecurity or a little bit of both, a mentality of “I’ve got this” or “I can do it on my own” are all things that the enemy would love us to believe as we steer closer to isolation and further from freedom. (Ecclesiastes 4, 1 Peter 5:8).

Ladies, this is not a situation owned exclusively by men either. We all need help!

WE are not enough.

The reality that we are not enough leads us to understand that we are not whole in and of ourselves. It is wrong and it is impossible for us to expect to be completed by anyone or anything outside of the gift of Salvation available to us by the blood of Jesus Christ and the power, work and ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives. (Ephesian 1:13-14).

I am not enough. I will not suddenly become enough by achieving something in my marriage, my parenting or my profession that I muscle through on my own. It certainly won’t be in my own strength.

Remember Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9?

Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.

Rather than fight and fight and fight to be enough, rest in the truth that Jesus is enough. And the truth is that he left us The Helper. So, how often do you ask for help? If you’re going to ask anyone for help, it’s the Holy Spirit!

Invite the Holy Spirit into every situation, scenario and circumstance – no matter how small.

He will guide us into all truth. (John 16:13)


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