I work for a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation clinic. At the clinic I strive to incorporate traditional medicine with alternative remedies that have scientific support, as well as Christian principles.

One medical presentation I watched shared several studies on how to improve a bad mood.

God’s principles were clearly evident in this research. This is what I noticed.

3 ways to shift a bad mood.

  1. Focus on others.

Numerous studies have found that happiness is more related to giving than receiving.

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35)


  1. Counteract your negativity bias.

Our brains are wired to see threats, not rewards.

This means we automatically see the worst in life and must actively focus on things that are going well.

The Bible tells us to focus on what is good and right and trustworthy. That’s because God knows our brains have been rewired by sin to see all of His good creation through a broken lens.

Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure… think about these things.” (Phil. 4:8)


  1. Be a part of a great community.

The best predictor of a person’s happiness is the quality of their social network. God designed us to be in families: biological and spiritual.

Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have made a habit, but let us encourage one another.” (Heb. 10:25)


Church can keep you sane.

Another article I read recently was called Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease: Lessons Learned and Applied.

The article talked about how over half of Alzheimer’s disease is caused by “modifiable factors.” Modifiable factors are things you can change about your life.

Some were factors all of us know are not healthy like smoking, obesity, lack of exercise and poor diet.

But what struck me were these factors: social engagement, mindfulness (the medical term for prayer and meditation), optimism and purpose in life.

Where can you find social engagement, prayer, optimism and purpose in life?

At church!

God built us to need Him, His church, and His people. Without Him and without His church, we become spiritually demented. We forget who He is and we forget who we are.

May God always remind us of who He is and who we are in Him.