Tony Herring
Who I am:
I am a 49-year-old follower of Jesus who loves music, running, studying the Bible and encouraging others. I have been married to my best friend, Melissa since 1994. We have 3 sons and 1 daughter. My family and I love to go for walks and ride bikes, play music and games and to pile up like a bunch of otters and watch a good movie.
What I do:
I am the Lead Pastor here at Soma. I am passionate about teaching the Word of God, seeing lives transformed by Truth, and equipping the saints for the works of the ministry. I am privileged to be able to preach, teach, cast vision, mentor, and occasionally lead worship.
What I’ve done:
I graduated from Emmaus Road School of Ministry and have served the local church for almost 25 years in the areas of worship and youth and am blessed to be the Lead Pastor of SomaChurch.