Tony Herring

Who I am:

I am a 50-year-old follower of Jesus who loves music, running, studying the Bible and encouraging others. I have been married to my best friend, Melissa since 1994. We have 3 sons and 1 daughter. My family and I love to go for walks and ride bikes, play music and games and to pile up like a bunch of otters and watch a good movie.

What I do:

I am the Lead Pastor here at Soma. I am passionate about teaching the Word of God, seeing lives transformed by Truth, and equipping the saints for the works of the ministry. I am privileged to be able to preach, teach, cast vision, mentor, and occasionally lead worship.

What I’ve done:

I graduated from Emmaus Road School of Ministry and have served the local church for 25 years in the areas of worship and youth and am blessed to be the Lead Pastor of SomaChurch.

Melissa Herring

Who I am:

I am a woman who is in love with Jesus and my family. Tony and I have been married for 30 years and have 4 amazing children. I love history and geography and curling up with a good historical fiction book. I enjoy watching the sun rise and set with my husband and kids. Studying the Word of God and helping others learn about who they are in Christ is one of my greatest passions.

What I Do:

Tony and I are grateful to be called to Full-Time Ministry together! We love to lead, pray and cast vision for our Church Family. I am currently Soma’s 18/28 Young Adults Director and lead a wonderful team of ladies for SomaWomen. I love to share The Word Of God and am privileged to do so in many arenas inside and outside of our congregation. I also enjoy spending time mentoring and helping ladies become leaders.

What I’ve Done:

I graduated from The University Of Texas at Arlington with a Bachelors in Social Work. I have served the local church since I was a little girl in every area imaginable. Tony and I have served The Church together for 25 years in the areas of youth, college and are so thankful to God for allowing us to be the Lead Pastors of SomaChurch.