Being a member of the body of Christ means being connected to life. We believe that Jesus is the Life. We also believe that connection to the life of Jesus Christ happens primarily through our commitment to His body, the church, of which He is the head. (Eph 5:23, Col 1:18)
Just as an arm cannot function the way it was created to when disconnected from the rest of a body, so are we unable to truly be and do what God has in mind for us when we are separated from His body, the church. (Rom 12:4)
PHYSIOLOGY is a one-day class designed to help you understand what this body of Believers is all about. Whether you are brand new to our community and would like to learn more about us or you have been worshiping with us for a while and would like to get involved and become a Member, this class is for you!
We cover three specific sections – Vision & Values, Covenant Walk and Discover You.
Click below to sign up for the next Physiology.