The Biggest Story: A New Baby and a New Beginning
The Story of the Birth of Jesus
Matthew 1
1. What’s the name of the first book in the Bible? How does the Gospel of Matthew begin? By beginning the story of Jesus’s birth with a genealogy (which is from the same Greek word as genesis), what do you think Matthew is trying to say about the birth of Jesus?
Takeaway: The birth of Jesus gives a new beginning to the world God created.
2. Who were some of the people named in Jesus’s family tree (or “genealogy”)? Did those people always follow God perfectly? If they were sinners, and Jesus came from their family, how could he be born without sin?
Takeaway: Jesus is fully human—but without sin.
3. What was Joseph told to name Jesus? Why? How can we be
saved from our sin?
Takeaway: Jesus was born to save his people from their sin.
At Soma Church, we desire that every child will grow in their relationship with God, learn to hear His voice, and follow His calling on their lives. It’s a privilege to partner with parents in raising passionate disciples of Jesus.