The Biggest Story: It’s a Boy!
The Story of the Birth of Isaac
Genesis 21-22
1.What promise did God make to Abraham that made Sarah laugh?
How do we see God keep this promise? What have we been learning about God and his promises?
Takeaway: When God makes a promise, he keeps it: Abraham finally had
a son.
2. What crazy command did God give to Abraham? Why did Abra-
ham choose to obey God? How can we be like Abraham?
Takeaway: Like Abraham, we should completely trust God, and obey him
even when it’s hard.
3. Did Abraham sacrifice his son? What happened to save Isaac’s
life? What does that teach us about our God?
Takeaway: God provides—he provided for Abraham; he will provide for us.
At Soma Church, we desire that every child will grow in their relationship with God, learn to hear His voice, and follow His calling on their lives. It’s a privilege to partner with parents in raising passionate disciples of Jesus.