Do you ever feel like you’re about to fall apart? 

Is your confidence in this world, your circumstances, or yourself…Or is your confidence in Christ?

What do you do in real times of trouble? How do we live victoriously in this crazy world?

Confidence In Christ is required to live victoriously in this crazy culture. “Culture” is another way of saying “the world we live in.” The world we live in offers its definitions of victory and success, and those things that worldly people look to for pleasure & even rescue. These things may work for a while, but when real trouble comes, those pleasures and accomplishments won’t keep a person from falling apart.

To live victoriously in this world, first, you have to understand that confidence is not arrogance.

Confidence is rooted in humility and self-assurance, and needs no applause. 

Arrogance, on the other hand, is rooted in insecurity and self-importance and is fed by praise.

This is REALLY important to understand, because there are some people who are arrogant. They do, they work, they strive to be seen. They serve to receive praise. They give to be thanked. They trust in their circumstances and their achievements and they want others to trust in them. They’re trying to make a name for themselves. 

Is that youIs arrogance getting in the way of living victorious through confidence in Christ?

Find out 7 crucial things about confidence, and start living victoriously today. CLICK HERE

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