Soma Missions

We value living out the love of Jesus Christ believing it will compel the spiritually lost to follow Him. (John 13:35Matthew 14:16Matthew 25:351 Timothy 6:18James 1:272:15-16Acts 2:451 John 3:17)

Light… Salt… Witness… These are all words Jesus used to describe what the church should be to the world. At Soma, our mission field starts with our neighbor and extends out from there to the corners of the earth. Such a tall task can not be accomplished alone, by a single church. That is why we are proactive in partnering with other churches and organizations in the Tyler community to see that mandate fulfilled locally. Together with other partners we have adopted a local school, hold tutoring sessions, lead after school activities, hosted prayer walks, painted houses, given out school backpacks and been able to help many people who are in physical and spiritual need.

This vision is not limited to Tyler, but extends to the rest of the globe! Soma has partnered with great Missions organizations and Missionaries to see the Gospel advanced. When it comes to International Missons, Soma has a motto: GO or Give! Each year Soma gives 10% of it’s annual income to domestic and international missions. We also send out individual missionaries and short-term teams each year. These efforts have landed us in countries such as Israel, Ghana, Peru, Russia, Greece, Ethiopia, South Sudanand various other countries. It is our goal and privilege to be a part of God’s great commission of Matthew 28:19.

Interview with Danny and Stephanie

“If you have ever felt called to missions or have longed to be more effective in sharing the gospel in your neighborhood, you are going to want to watch this interview!”  – Pastor Tony

For more info about the Peru tribe, contact SomaChurch at

Our Missionaries


“God’s promise to Abraham was that through him, all the nations of the earth will be blessed. (Genesis 12:23) This remains true to this day. God still has a plan for the land of Israel and for the nation of Israel.”